Graduation Requirements

For graduation, Mount de Sales Academy requires 26 credits as follows:
4Religion (1 credit per year)
4English (1 credit per year)
4Mathematics including Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II) (1 Math course every year)
3Social Sciences (including Western Civilization, Government and U.S. History)
3Lab Science (including Biology & Chemistry)
2Foreign Language (2 consecutive years of the same language)
Philosophy (.5 credit per year)
1Physical Education and Health
1Fine Arts
2Electives minimum

Additionally, students must also complete the following:
Annual Class Retreat
75 Total Service Hours

*A credit is earned for successful completion of a year-long course. Half credit is awarded for successful completion of a semester-long course.

It should be noted that the following course distribution is required for entrance into colleges and universities in the State of Maryland:
English4 credits
Lab Science3 credits
Foreign Language2 credits
Social Sciences3 credits
Math4 credits

If a student is interested in a selective college, the recommended program is:
English4 credits
Social Sciences4 credits
Math4 credits (through calculus)
Lab Science4 credits (through physics)
Foreign Language4 credits (one language for four years)

All courses at Mount de Sales are college preparatory and are designed to be academically challenging. The following describes the requirements for Honors and Advanced Placement courses:

 courses are offered for students who have a proven record of strong academic achievement and who are willing to accept the challenges presented in a more accelerated course.

Advanced Placement 
courses are available for those junior and senior students who are willing to embrace a rigorous college level workload and have a proven record of strong academic achievement in Honors level courses.

Mount de Sales Academy

Academic Excellence in the Catholic Tradition